E-Agenda: Paperless Meeting System
Meeting Date: Wednesday, October 25, 2006

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Special Meeting/Workshop

  1. Convene: 3:05 p.m.
  2. Public Comments: None
  3. Choice Board Workshop
    Minutes: This Board Agenda Item presented by the Department of Choice Programs and School Choice entitled "A World of Opportunities for Student Success," includes the following topics:

    Choice and Career Education Accomplishments and Future Initiatives

    Publication Recognitions

    Professional Development

     Agreements and Grants

     Legislative Updates

     Choice Program 5-Year Plan Initiative

    Mary Vreeland, Director of Choice Programs, provided a brief synopsis of the Showcase of Schools.

    Connie Scotchel, Manager of Career Education, reviewed the following topics: School Visitations; Curriculum Development; Showcase of Schools; Middle School Connections; 2006 National Career Academy Coalition; and Tools for Success-Collaboration.

    Kelly Daniels, Choice Manager, provided Board Members with information regarding awarded grants and anticipated grants.

    Mrs. Vreeland summarized the Legislative Updates Impacting Career Education and Choice Programs 5-Year Plan Initiative.

    Board Members discussed: at risk students; Junior Achievement; IB Program at Forest Hill High School; Class Size Reduction; music program at Wellington High School; career academies; computer science; and Suncoast High School.

  4. Adjourn: 4:20 p.m.


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